Gaming would likely not be where it is today without Magic: The Gathering, so it was important for PETROL to balance reverence for the material with a modern visual language that evokes the massive potential of the Fantasy Genre. We also felt it was vital to use this as an opportunity to celebrate the powerful female Planeswalkers and their unbelievable powers.
Wizards of the Coast
Visual Identity, Digital, Illustraion, 3D Development, Photography (Costume, Props, Casting), Motion Graphics
An Iconic Gaming Franchise
Legends are always ripe for reinvention and that was our task with Magic: The Gathering Arena (in An Iconic Gaming Franchise Section and Right in Our Wheelhouse Section).
Right in our Wheelhouse
Magic the Gathering: Arena’s fantasy themes are very familiar to us at PETROL after helping launch many similar titles and being huge fans of medieval fantasy and the CCG genre ourselves.
Her Time to Shine
We found new approaches and pushed to put the incredible heroines front and center whenever we could.
Fantastical Results
We’ve added our own chapter to the long running stories Wizards of the Coast have crafted alongside successes that have exceeded expectations.